Escape to Whisper Hollow!
A small, historical town nestled by a treacherous cove where century old mysteries still linger ...

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Explore Visuals for Book IV:
The Legend of the Lanternhe

Captain Chet Maverick Armstrong
(1915-1943, age 28) A naval officer and elite U-boat hunter, stationed along the East Coast. Son of a Whisper Hollow shipwright and a former stage actress, giving him a mix of ruggedness and charm. Rumors: Some survivors whispered that the U-boat wasn’t alone and that Chet’s crew fought something that shouldn’t have existed. Some believe he tried to send one last message home—but it was scrambled.

Helen Mary Conroy
(1919-1981, age 62) Born & raised in Whisper Hollow, daughter of a fisherman and a schoolteacher. Engaged to Chet Armstrong before he left for war. They planned to marry in autumn 1943. She still heard Chet’s voice over the radio whispering her name. Some say she saw something—a shape moving beneath the water—but the boat was found empty, drifting in the cove.

Leland Norcross
(1895-1962, age 67) served in WWI as a young soldier, might have known more than he let on. Maybe his past isn’t just that of a radio hobbyist—what if he had classified military experience and recognized signals that the average person wouldn’t? It makes him sound like a man who suspected the truth but didn’t live long enough to prove it.

Gideon Marsh
91928-current, age 95) The last person alive who actually knew Helen Mary Conroy. A long retired sailor who worked on the docks in 1943 at age 15 and remembers the night Chet’s ship vanished. Claims he once saw Helen Mary speaking to someone at the water’s edge—but no one else saw him. Now lives in a nursing home, where Olivia visits him for answers. His mind is sharp some days, foggy on others—but he knows more than he lets on.

Jim Holloway
(1967-current, age 56 in 2023) current lighthouse operator/caretaker. Born and raised in Whisper Hollow, his great-grandfather worked the lighthouse before electricity, guiding ships by hand-cranked oil lamps. During his twenties, he left Whisper Hollow for a while, working on cargo ships up and down the East Coast. But something always pulled him back. By his late 30s, he had taken over as the lighthouse caretaker, keeping watch over the beacon, maintaining old radio equipment, and keeping logs—just like Leland Norcross had decades before.

Chet & Helen
Chet and Helen are your classic hero and heroine from the war era. Tumbling between their love and the desperate, horrible times experienced during the blackest days of humanity. Come follow their love, struggles and pain in Book IV of our Whisper Hollow series.